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Spiritual Direction


A Spiritual Director is a trusted companion who supports spiritual formation and transformation. For thousands of years, many names have described the role including spiritual guide, spiritual companion, mashpiah in Hebrew, and anam cara in Gaelic.

Spiritual Direction is where one person invites another to accompany
them on their spiritual journey, it helps us to 
  • slow down 

  • discern and make difficult choices​

  • identify and trust our own experiences

  • integrate spirituality into our daily lives

  • share our hopes, struggles, and losses

  • live the essence of faith with integrity

  • develop contemplative and awareness practices



Face to face, Zoom and Skype sessions are offered.

Frequently Asked Questions
How often do I attend a spiritual direction session?

Most people meet monthly for an hour, but this is determined by you and your Spiritual Director.



What do I talk about?

Anything! You can talk about anything and everything – the good, bad and difficult stuff of life. You are encouraged to reflect on experiences where you noticed something happening within you – love, hate, anger, joy, frustration etc. 



How long do I stay in spiritual direction?

It’s a gentle and slow process, though you may have several Spiritual Directors over the years. You can opt out or change Spiritual Directors when you feel the time is right. All sessions have a break over the summer, it’s a good time to reassess.

What sort of people are spiritual directors?

There are men and women, young and old.  SD's can invest in formal training and further study, I hold formal tertiary qualifications with a major in Spiritual Direction. We receive Spiritual Direction ourselves so know what it is like to sit in the pilgrim’s chair.  There are a vast number of spiritual and faith traditions who offer Spiritual Direction.  I come from the Christian tradition and accompany a diverse range of people on individual spiritual journeys.



Is there a Code of Ethics?

Yes, Spiritual Directors adhere to the Code of Ethics, as outlined by the Australian Ecumenical Council for Spiritual Direction.



What does it cost?

Recommended honorariums are below, however don't allow finances to prohibit access to what is needed.  

Contact us to discuss your situation.

$65 individual   

$95 small group 

24 hour cancellation fee applies see BOOKINGS for details



Where do we meet?

The outer east of Melbourne in the Dandenong Ranges or at the Wellspring Centre


MarDee never just hears what you have to say. She is one of those people who knows how to truly sit with someone. To hold space. To listen to the words and to listen to that which isn’t spoken, moreover to listen to the whisper that lies beneath it all.
She is able to listen, but it doesn’t just stop there. She then takes the deep yearnings heard and reflects it back to the speaker that they may see themselves and the world in a different way. She does this for individuals. She does this for communities. She does this for creatives. She does this for the grieving. She builds a nest and the people come and they find rest and they find one who deeply cares for them. 

And how do I know this – I have sat in that nest many a time over the last ten years.


Joel McKerrow
Poet. Performer. Educator. Artist Ambassador for TEAR Australia


My life has been enriched by MarDee and her extraordinary rise in creative influence across Australia. I have deep confidence in her wisdom, insight, oversight, humility, graciousness and generosity and her ability to recognize and empower others to fulfill their life callings.
Sue Tinworth
PIPES Network
Some Misconceptions


Spiritual companionship is only for the pious few (priests, rabbis, nuns, monks, saints).

All of us are seeking a deeper connection with the holy in our lives. The process of spiritual direction is for everyone who feels a longing for a more peaceful and hope-filled life. Spiritual direction helps us explore the spiritual aspect of being human.



Spiritual direction is only for Christians.

Some form of spiritual direction or spiritual companionship exists in all the major religions of the world.



Spiritual direction is a new practice.

The origins of spiritual direction date back thousands of years. The process of spiritual direction is an ancient and venerable tradition in every culture and region of the globe.



Spiritual directors are perfect and the spiritual path is about attaining perfection.

While it certainly helps to find a spiritual companion who is a “good fit,” God makes use of all of our experiences to help us grow in love and compassion. The spiritual direction tradition values humility and the journey.  Spiritual direction or spiritual companionship is not about fixing things or doing something perfectly, because it is not about accomplishing or doing. It is about allowing things to be as they are, resting in awareness, and then, taking appropriate action when called for. Silence, deep listening, and non-doing are contemplative practices often explored in spiritual direction as a way to deepen relationship with the spiritual aspect of being human. Fortunately, every day we are given new opportunities to learn how to live justly with an open heart, with compassion for ourselves, our neighbours, and all of creation

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